Monday, April 28, 2008

The Epicentre

The early stages of my Method requires complete reconstruction - at least as complete as physically possible. To that end we've taken the time to record the actual size of the House for recreation sessions back at the classroom. Now, I could rely on the most recent architectural drawings available, however I've found that it's beneficial for the team to spend as much time as possible being physically present at each discovery site. It aids the Method to have this familiarity with the origin of the material.

The following clip is of the team working to measure the basement of the House. In itself not a noteworthy event, however during those measurements we experienced a small, but significant, incident. Ms. Lahde swears that it was not Mr. Cade's comeuppance for his previous indiscretion.

From here on in, I will endeavor to record all of the team's discoveries, and excursions, in the basement. Our evidence seems to be leading us down there more and more and it appears to be the epicentre of this particular discovery.

Our ground-zero, if you will.

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